Seriously, as a white male this makes me a little angry. Not that relationships are the foremost priority for me right now, but as stated pretty much everywhere else on the internet, white girl <-> black guy couples outnumber white guy <-> black girl couples 5 to 1, or something to that effect. I see white girls give up successful relationships with successful guys to be with losers who spend the majority of their time smoking weed from hooka pipes or hanging with their bros, complaining about how poor they are and how the white man is (still) keeping them down (personal experience here :). All because 'he cares more about me than the white guy did.' Or 'the white guy wanted too much in bed.' Ugh. From what I have read on the internet black guys feel white women are more caring and nicer to them than black women. In my limited experience white girls have been nothing but a hassle at best for me. It seems like they always expect so much out of me, but nothing from the black guy. I know this comes off racist, I won't deny it, but it's just how I feel. I speak cordially and professionally to black men and women (and peoples of all races) its just this particular fact makes me so angry sometimes, I want to punch something. But I won't. Because I'm white. White girls, please take note. I am willing to bet this is how most white men feel, even if they won't put it into words. I would do a lot for a girl that really cared about me and was just nice, showed me the same level of care and respect etc. as I show her. But sometimes it seems like all you care about is a 6 ft. build and a big dick :) Even so I see relationships where the black guys is my height. Makes me cringe. Sorry for the rant, just had to get that off my chest.
Are you an interracial lover, do you want to try an interracial love?
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